Friday, March 4, 2011

Pardon the Interruption

Still here. Like I had been saying, the busy season is definitely upon us at work. Most days I get home and just want to go to bed. The alarm starts and it is time to make the doughnuts again. As it turns out, even reading a short story every week was an ambitous goal.

I finished Warren Ellis' Planetary (again). I started a review, but I am waiting to post it until it is finished. In the meantime, I am (slowly) finishing Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card. And I recently picked up a new book called Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Sausages by Tom Holt. It was in the science fiction section, and it is billed as "a comedy of transdimensional tomfoolery" but I have a feeling that categorization is not entirely accurate.

Keep reading, people, and I will return to a more regular schedule soon enough.
