Monday, December 6, 2010

New Links

I've added a couple links at the side:

Book Blogs is an organization dedicated to people who blog about books. I'm hoping that by joining this group, I can increase traffic at the Reader. There is a nifty button at the bottom of the column, too.

Good Reads is kind of the nuts and bolts of what I'm trying to accomplish at the (more prosaic) Reader - a collection of the actual titles on my actual shelf, and a short review of each. It is going to take a while to get everything keyed in, but it is a pretty neat concept, so I think it will be worth it.

Check them out!

PS - I have attained my reading goals for December for The Stand. I'm considering resting it a while, although I may continue reading it in the hopes of finishing it earlier than anticipated.


  1. Where are you at in The Stand? I read that again this summer on our trip to Ethiopia. I have probably read it 5 or 6 times in the last 20 years.

  2. Page 430, I think. About 40 chapters in. I like to keep a pace, but I'm thinking I need to keep with it to keep better track of the characters. There seems to be 3 or 4 main survivors. My guess is they will all come together eventually.

  3. You have a ways to go. The story changes soon. Favorite character in the book has to be Nick.
