Friday, December 31, 2010

Connie Willis

Another favorite author of mine is Connie Willis. Today is her birthday.

She writes mostly science fiction, although I have seen some straight-up historical fiction and a book of holiday stories to her credit. She doesn't shy away from big ideas and the style of her prose makes her works easy to read.

My favorite book by Willis is called Bellwether. It is a science fiction story in the sense that the protagonist - Dr. Sandra Foster - is a scientist who studies fads. Everyone who comes into contact with her seems to be a bit loopy, as she looks for solutions to her personal and professional problems. That's a long way from the laser beams and forehead aliens most people associate with sci fi. It has more in common with 30 Rock than Star Wars.

"Schwartzchild Radius," "The Last of the Winnebagos," "A Letter from the Clearies" and "And Come from Miles Around" are all pretty great. Her short story "At the Rialto" is the perfect blend of story (a PhD finds herself unable to get a room for an academic conference) and subject matter (the instability inherent in the rules of particle physics).

I've read a lot by Willis - mostly the short stories, and Bellwether. The Doomsday Book is what I'd like to read next, but most of her works are on the shelf waiting.

Happy Birthday!

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