Monday, December 13, 2010

Short Stories

The busy season is almost upon us at work. That means that I will be less likely to be reading novels (except The Stand, of course) between late January and the end of May.

So my strategy the last few years has been to read short stories during that time span. I had the idea a couple weeks ago to gather together all of my books of short stories into one place so I could see what I have to choose from for next year.

I thought I had 3 or 4 books of short stories. It turns out, I have about 20; this includes works by Ernest Hemingway, Ian Fleming, Raymond Chandler, Isaac Asimov, Connie Willis, William Gibson, Robert Heinlein, and Kim Stanley Robinson, as well as anthologies of time travel stories, post-apocalyptic stories, and artificial intelligence stories. Which is to say nothing of the individual short stories I may have accumulated over time.

I was going to stock up, but turns out, I already did.


  1. I am reading "Welcome to the Monkey House" that I believe originally came from your library before the great Migration East. I have been very happy with it but it is one of those books I had never bothered to pick up. I really have enjoyed what little I have read.

  2. You know, that just might have been mine. Keep it as long as you like. Ironically enough, yet another book of short stories.

  3. it was yours. It was in the box with all the Jim Thompson novels I have and I know they came from you. All have found a safe place by the bed and almost all have been enjoyed.

    Stephen Kind has some Short stories you may like. "4 Past Midnight" is very good.

  4. Oh, yeah. That's the one with The Langoliers, right? I've wanted to read that one specifically for a while.

  5. That's the one. I think all are ok and The Langoliers is probably the best.
