Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Brief Interruption

I'm thinking about taking the weekend off from reading VALIS. Since it is also the Thanksgiving weekend, I think it would be appropriate to instead read Sarah Vowell's The Wordy Shipmates instead.

Sarah Vowell is an author, actress and all-around renaissance woman. I have also read her books Assasination Vacation and The Partly Cloudy Patriot. She's funny, erudite and easy to read. And considering the fact that The Wordy Shipmates is about the early days of Puritanism in the new world, it may be a perfect fit for the holiday weekend.

I'm also taking Thursday and Friday off from the blog, but will return on Saturday, when I will resume our regularly scheduled programming!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!


  1. I finished The Wordy Shipmates not long ago. Enjoyed it, but it seemed to lose steam after a while. I'll be curious as to what you think of it.

    Happy Thanksgiving as well! Love the site.

  2. Haven't read the book so would be interested to hear more. We use to have a family tradition of doing readings (poetry, novel excerpts, song lyrics or whatever) after Thanksgiving dinner. You have attended a Literary Soiree that we have hosted so you know what it has progressed to.

    Happy Thanksgiving.
