Saturday, November 27, 2010

Quote of the Week

"These are the moments I live for. I put up with all the other crap just to get seconds like this. The moments when you know the world is a better place than advertised."

-Jakita Wagner in Planetary #4 by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday

PS - "Quote of the Week" just indicates a favorite literary quote of mine that I decided to post online that week. It doesn't necessarily mean it was a phrase used in lit that actual week.


  1. But who do you blame for false advertising on the world?

  2. The world would be a much better place, were it not for the Four. Within the story, the Four are a stand-in for the Fantastic Four, but thematically, they stand for anyone who would impede progress for their own ends.

    I am deliberately staying away from comics and graphic novels on this blog, but Planetary is my very favorite - it's also about something. That makes it different, and very much worth talking about.
